What is Etsy SEO and How Do I Use it to Get More Sales?

A person using ETSY SEO for sales

You’ve poured your heart and soul into your Etsy shop. You’ve meticulously crafted beautiful products, taken stunning photos, and written compelling descriptions. But frustratingly, those sales just aren’t rolling in like you’d hoped. Here’s the secret weapon you might be missing: Etsy SEO.

What is Etsy SEO?

Etsy Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the practice of optimising your shop and listings to rank higher in Etsy search results. Just like Google, Etsy uses a complex algorithm to determine which shops and listings appear first for specific search terms. By understanding this algorithm and implementing best practices, you can increase your shop’s visibility, attract more qualified buyers, and ultimately boost your sales.

Why is Etsy SEO Important, Especially When I Have a Website and Social Media?

While having a website, rocking a TikTok presence, and mastering Instagram are all crucial for a well-rounded marketing strategy, Etsy SEO shouldn’t be neglected. Here’s why:

  • Massive Audience: Etsy boasts over 96 million active buyers! Ranking high in search results puts your products directly in front of a huge audience actively looking to buy.
  • Targeted Traffic: Shoppers on Etsy are there with a purchase intent. They’re not just browsing; they’re ready to spend money. This targeted traffic can lead to higher conversion rates compared to social media.
  • Organic Growth: Unlike paid advertising, SEO is an organic way to attract customers. Once your listings are optimised, they continue to work for you 24/7, attracting new buyers without additional spending.
  • Boosts Website Traffic: A strong Etsy presence with high rankings can also drive traffic to your website. Many Etsy shoppers click through to shop owner websites for more details or a wider product selection.

Etsy SEO vs. Google SEO: What’s the Difference?

While there are similarities between Etsy SEO and Google SEO, there are also some key differences:

  • Focus: Etsy SEO prioritises keywords relevant to specific product categories within the Etsy marketplace. Google SEO considers a broader range of search terms and factors like website authority.
  • Competition: Competition for high-ranking keywords can be fierce on Google. Etsy offers a more focused marketplace, allowing you to target a specific audience within your niche.
  • Control: You have more control over on-page SEO elements on your own website. However, on Etsy, you’ll be optimising within the platform’s limitations.

Etsy SEO Tools to Help You Shine

Optimising your Etsy shop doesn’t have to be a guessing game. Here are some fantastic tools to help you with your Etsy SEO journey:

  • Erank: This comprehensive platform offers keyword research tools, competitor analysis, and trend tracking to help you identify the best keywords to target.
  • Marmalead: This time-saving tool automates keyword research, listing optimisation, and shop critiques, allowing you to focus on creating fabulous products.
  • Etsy Seller Handbook: This official Etsy resource provides valuable information on Etsy SEO best practices and the latest algorithm updates.

Etsy SEO Tips to Skyrocket Your Sales

Now that you understand the power of Etsy SEO and have some helpful tools in your arsenal, let’s dive into actionable tips to optimise your shop and listings:

Keyword Research is King:

  • Identify Relevant Keywords: Use Etsy’s search bar and tools like Erank to discover keywords with high search volume and low competition within your product category.
  • Think Like Your Customers: What terms would someone searching for your product type use?
  • Long-Tail Keywords: Target longer, more specific phrases that describe your product in detail. These keywords often have lower competition and higher conversion rates.

Optimise Your Shop Title and Description:

  • Shop Title: Include relevant keywords that describe your shop’s overall product range. Keep it concise and memorable (under 55 characters).
  • Shop Description: Weave relevant keywords naturally throughout your shop description. Highlight your unique selling proposition and brand story to connect with potential customers.

Master Your Listing Titles and Descriptions:

  • Listing Titles: Start with your most important keyword, followed by descriptive details like color, size, and material (within 14 characters).
  • Listing Descriptions: Use all 20 characters of the first line to grab attention with your most relevant keywords.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Go beyond just keywords. Craft compelling descriptions that highlight product features, benefits, and how it solves customer problems. Use bullet points and clear formatting to improve readability.

Leverage All Available Attributes and Tags:

  • Etsy provides various attributes and tags specific to your product category. Utilise them strategically. Don’t just pick the first few that come up. Take time to understand which attributes and tags are most relevant to your product and will be most used by potential buyers searching for similar items.
  • Exhaustive Use: Fill out all relevant attributes and tags for your listings. This increases the chances of your products appearing in more relevant search results.
  • Don’t Stuff: Avoid keyword stuffing. Use relevant keywords naturally and strategically throughout your attributes and tags.
  • Research Competitor Tags: Use Etsy’s search function and tools like Erank to see what tags successful shops in your niche are using. This can give you valuable insights into popular search terms and help you identify relevant tags you might have missed.
  • Think Beyond Basic Keywords: While including core keywords is essential, go beyond the basics. Use long-tail variations and descriptive tags that highlight unique features, materials, and occasions your product is perfect for.
  • Variety is Key: Don’t just repeat the same tags across all your listings. While some core tags may be relevant across multiple products, tailor your tags to reflect the specific details of each item.

By strategically utilising attributes and tags, you ensure your listings reach the right audience and get discovered by potential buyers actively searching for what you offer.

Stunning Photos are Essential:

  • High-Quality Images: Shoppers rely heavily on visuals when making purchasing decisions. Invest in high-quality product photos that showcase your creations in the best light.
  • Multiple Angles: Include clear photos from various angles to give buyers a complete understanding of your product.
  • Lifestyle Shots: Consider lifestyle shots that show your products in use, adding context and emotional appeal.

Shipping and Shop Policies Matter:

  • Competitive Shipping Rates: Offer competitive shipping rates or consider free shipping options (factored into your product pricing) to incentivise purchases.
  • Clear Shop Policies: Outline clear and concise shop policies regarding returns, exchanges, and processing times. This builds trust and reduces buyer anxiety.

Promote Your Shop and Listings:

  • Social Media Power: Promote your Etsy shop and listings on your social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Run targeted ads or collaborate with influencers in your niche.
  • Website Integration: Include a link to your Etsy shop on your website. Consider embedding product listings directly on your website for a seamless shopping experience.
  • Customer Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on your listings. Positive reviews build trust and social proof, influencing future buyers.

Continuous Improvement is Key:

  • Track Your Results: Monitor your Etsy shop analytics to see which keywords are performing best and which listings are getting the most views and clicks.
  • Regularly Update Listings: Freshen up your listings periodically with new keywords, descriptions, and photos to stay relevant and boost search ranking.
  • Stay Informed: The Etsy algorithm is constantly evolving. Stay updated on the latest SEO best practices by following Etsy’s Seller Handbook and relevant industry blogs.

Bonus Tip: Etsy Ads

While organic Etsy SEO is incredibly powerful, Etsy Ads can provide an extra boost. Consider running targeted ads to promote your best-selling products or reach new audiences within your niche.


By implementing these Etsy SEO strategies and consistently refining your approach, you can significantly increase your shop’s visibility, attract more qualified buyers, and ultimately skyrocket your sales on Etsy. Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, stay focused, and watch your shop flourish!

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